2 consultants interviewing 10 people and writing a report about all the things that do not work? For €15.000,- ? No, that is not a real deliverable. But what if we work with your team and they find out what the current situation is and what the key issues are? We only facilitate the process to get a real deliverable. And what does each individual person need to be able to move?
A C.F.A. is a Current and Future Assessment, it is all about defining with a group where you are and where you want to be. But it should not be a one time action. We learn organisations to build there own template, but also a way of working (a process) to keep it up to date. Nothing is more dynamic as the line between the current and future state. And if the facts stay the same and you only change your point of view? Also this will have significant impact on your current action list.