Wednesday 1 December 16:00 – 17:30
The Future of Europe Conference is a unique and timely opportunity for European citizens to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities.
2 speakers, a service architect and an organisation coach will share their experiences with this universal method for services.
We are transforming rapidly from a product economy to a service industry. Most of us still use the routines and practices of factories and production sites. Several new good practices have been developed, like LEAN IT , Cobit, ……… but how well do they really fit with the service industry? The missing part in all these approaches is a management architecture for our digital service industry. One of the thought leaders in Service Management, Jan van Bon (Netherlands), wrote many books about these good practices, and he realized how important it is to share a universal way of dealing with services, as all companies have become links in supply chains and networks. His methodical material starts to become known via schools in the Netherlands and Belgium, and now also in other countries. Business and government organisations in Europe have started using this method since 2016. Pieter Hoekstra provides training and helps organisations in Europe, like KLM Cargo, logistic software organisation ILIAS, and several municipalities, to apply the 8 workflows defined in the method. Jan van Bon and Pieter Hoekstra will talk about their experiences during our short online event. We also invite the participants to work in breakout sessions, with a visualisation of short activity chains that will be rearranged in the 8 workflows on an interactive E-board. Learn how easy it is to get better in control of your Digital EU services!