Our Time Management Course, Getting IT Done, is based on World Class Proven Techniques added with todays Technology. So it is hybrid program for those that work sometimes with paper, Post-ITs and pen, but also Outlook, Evernote and a PDA or Smart Phone. People will learn in 4 steps to improve their Situation Analysis, How to set priorities and learn how to Ask for Help (or Support) and How to give Help. They will understand different flavours of a Task and how to avoid that your task does not fit with the expected result. They will become aware of their current way of asking Questions and collecting observations, which is a key in doing the right thing better.
During the program, people will also learn how they can automate a part of the incoming messages, alerts, events and interrupts, but also what they can do to train their relations; how to bring in a message in most productive/attractive way?
The 3 day Course will have the follow elements:
- What is Overflow and what is Flow? What does the mind?
- Exercise: The Bucket of Energy; what is overflow?
- It is about Time. Priority: Urgent, Seriousness and will it grow?
- Exercise: Your 720 hours, what do you do in a Month?
- Your Layers, Roles and Priorities
- Your Channels and your Filters, Information Management
- Use Outlook in a SMART way, Good Practices makes you work better
- What are your Drivers and Core Quadrants?
- Exercise: The Baskets and your luggage
- Binder Getting IT done
- Book: 7 Habits of High Effective People
- Moleskine Note Book
- Exercises
- Templates
- Evernote Software,
- Post-it,